Lendela's Blog

Welcome to our blog! Here, you find our latest updates about personal finance, as well as useful tips and tricks. Enjoy!

Top 5 Common Reasons Why Loans Get Declined

Applying for a personal loan in Australia is a popular choice for many people, but it's not uncommon for applications to face rejection. Understanding the common reasons behind these declines can empower you to avoid potential pitfalls and...

How Does a Personal Loan Affect Your Credit Score?

When considering a personal loan in Australia, it's crucial to understand how it can impact your credit score. A credit score, a numerical expression derived from an analysis of a person's credit files, reflects an individual's...

A Guide to Applying for Personal Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy in Australia

Managing financial challenges can be overwhelming, and sometimes individuals may find themselves considering debt consolidation or bankruptcy as potential solutions. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the processes of personal debt...

How To Improve Your Credit Score in Australia

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in determining your eligibility for various financial products, including personal loans in Australia. A higher credit score not only improves your chances of loan approval but also allows you to secure...

Smart Tips to Avoid Bad and Expensive Personal Loans in Australia

When considering a personal loan in Australia, it's essential to be diligent and make informed decisions to avoid falling into the trap of a bad or expensive loan. By following these smart tips, you can protect yourself from predatory loan...

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